




  Guo Jingming Claims to be the Best Writer in ChinaGuo Jingming(郭敬明) became well known with his success in organizing “New Concept Composition Contest”(新概念作文大赛). But now, he is organizing “New Literary Talents Selection Contest”(文学新人选拔赛) as its challenge. As to the purpose of this new form of contest, Guo explains that “New Concept Composition Contest”, with a history of 11 years, has become outdated in terms of concept and evaluation method and is no longer able to meet the demands of market. Guo is going to adopt the selection method used in Happy Boys(快男) and Super Girls(超女), that is, all of the contesters will have to go through various levels of selection. By the end of November 2008, 36 participants all over China will be selected for final competition, who will then take part in a monthly selection contest. Votes on the Internet and from mail will also be taken into account. The champion will be elected by both judges and the audience, based on the total number of votes. Besides a sum of 100, 000 RMB as prepaid contribution fee(预付稿费), the winner will be given a lot of opportunities to show in public and go abroad for exchanges. People have expressed doubt about Guo’s qualification and ability as a judge. But he does not agree with this, saying, “Except in 2004, I have published a novel every year and all of them are the best-sellers. Can such a writer not be regarded as the best in China?” When a reporter says that he, unlike Wang Meng(王蒙) and Liu Zhenyun(刘震云) who have maintained a high level of writing ability, has not produced any good work since his A City of Fantasy(《幻城》), Guo becomes very angry, replying, “Can you still remember the latest work written by Liu? Not all of the works of a writer can leave a deep impression upon readers.” 【附:中文大意】郭敬明自称是中国最好作家“新概念作文大赛”一手捧红了郭敬明,如今,郭敬明却以自己主办文学新人选拔赛来与“新概念”叫板。对于举办这样一个比赛的目的,郭敬明称“‘新概念’已办了11年,它的一些理念和评选方式已经不适合市场”。郭敬明将本次发掘文学新人评选搞成了快男超女——所有参赛作者将经历全国逐级淘汰赛制。2008年11月之前将从全国参赛选手中决出36强,之后每月逐级淘汰。比赛接受读者的网络投票、信件投票,所有投票每月累加,冠军选手最终由评委、读者共同投票选出,除了得到10万元现金稿酬预付,还将获得许多崭露头角和出国交流的机会。郭敬明出任评委,其评委资格、鉴赏能力等都遭到了质疑。对此,郭敬明显得不以为然:“除了2004年,我每年都写长篇,每一部小说都排在销售榜第一的位置,这样的作家都不能算中国最好的?”当记者提到《幻城》之后郭敬明再无好作品亮相,不像王蒙、刘震云能保持很高的创作水准时,郭敬明生气了:“你能记住刘震云最近的一部作品吗?一个作家不是每一部作品都能给人留下深刻印象”。


2016-06-08 05:01:35