




  Yang Zi is Often in Tears for Missing her School Days16-year-old Yang Zi (杨紫) should feel proud because the TV serial “There are Children at Home”(《家有儿女》) in which she plays the role of Xiao Xue(小雪) is still being shown on many channels. But she says, “I myself am very upset with my appearance on so many TV channels.”Yang says that her family members are very strict with her. No matter how busy she is with her acting, she must do well in her school study and take the examinations. She has a teacher help her to make up for the lectures she has failed to attend. But whenever she thinks of her school and her classmates, she is often in tears, because acting in a play is too boring. Sometimes, she has to do the same thing again and again for one take (镜头) . She is not as happy as other children of her age. She says, “I have tried to give vent to my discontent (发泄不满) by shouting at home. Once, what I said made mother burst into tears, for which I had to say sorry and admit that I was wrong. Finally, we cried together.”Yang likes playing with her classmates, but she is afraid of being misunderstood by them. So she tries to behave in a low key (保持低调) in school. However, there is still some gossip (闲话) about her. “Being short-sighted, I cannot see things clearly without glasses. One day, one the way to a washroom, somebody greeted me, but I couldn’t see who it was without my glasses. Later, it was said that I was too arrogant to greet people.”Yang does not want her classmates to think about her in that way. Nor does she hope that other people will regard her as a star. She is often asked to put down her signature when she is recognized. Thus, sometimes she even cannot have a meal outside peacefully. The worst thing is that she can’t swim now. “Once I went swimming with my classmates. In the swimming pool, some people took pictures of me with a mobile phone. How could they do that when I was dressed in swimming suit(游泳衣) ?” Yang has a wish that she can act a chivalrous girl(侠女) in a film directed by Zhang Yimou(张艺谋) .【附:中文大意】杨紫经常为思念学校而哭16岁的杨紫身上有一股骄傲劲,由她出演“小雪”的《家有儿女》如今依然在很多电视台播出,不过杨紫却说:“看着那么多电视台里都有我的脸,我自己可烦了。”杨紫说,家里对自己管得很严的,不管怎么拍戏但功课一定要好,考试必须得回去,在剧组里也请了老师补课。不过想起学校,想起同学,杨紫会难过得哭,因为剧组的确太枯燥了,有时候一条镜头要拍很多次,和同龄人比起来她失去了童年。她说:“我也试过在家里发泄,大声喊啊。有一次我也不记得说了什么了,反正妈妈就哭了,搞得我只能跟妈妈说‘我错了,我错了’,和妈妈抱在一起哭起来。”杨紫喜欢和同学们玩,然而她很怕被同学误解自己,所以她在学校尽量保持低调,可是还是有同学说她闲话,“我是近视眼,没戴眼镜的时候根本看不清人。有天去上厕所的路上有人跟我打招呼,我确实看不出是谁。后来就有人说杨紫特傲,不搭理人了。”杨紫不喜欢同学这么想她,也不希望别人把自己当做明星。因为不时会有人认出她请她签名,有时候一顿饭都吃不安宁。而最惨的还是现在连游泳都不行了,“有次我和同学去游泳,在游泳池那里就有人拿着手机来拍我,我那时还穿着泳衣呢,怎么可以!”杨紫还有一个心愿,那就是在张艺谋的电影里演个侠女。


2016-05-30 04:06:54