汪涵养病兼顾学习 -查字典问答网





  Wang Han Continues Study while Recovering from IllnessFaced with the rumor that he has contracted hepatitis (感染肝炎), Wang Han (汪涵) corrects the statement by saying that there is only something wrong with his liver. But the doctor warns that it would develop into cirrhosis (肝硬化) without good care. So, nowadays, Mr. Wang is living a regular life, with enough time for rest. He gets up early and goes to bed early. Besides, he receives three injections and takes 30 pills every week to maintain a balance in the essential elements within his body. He has lost weight by about 12 jin and this situation will probably continue, he says. Due to the side effects (副作用) of medicine, he may also lose his hair. But he is not worried about that at all, thinking that he should present (呈现) his true self before the public without being afraid of damaging his image. Once in a talk show program this year, Wang Han had a lot of blood running down from his nose. So he decided to take a rest for a month. But he was so important to the success of the program that he had to stop his vacation earlier. During the vacation, he thought a lot. He believes that, in spite of his great success in the entertainment circle, what he has presented to the public is not what he really wants. He feels that he is now in a very critical stage or a bottleneck (瓶颈) and that he needs more time to study for a breakthrough. Recently, Mr. Wang has been reading “Four Books and Five Confucian Classics”(四书五经), from which he says he has learnt a lot. He has also told reporters that he likes a poem by Gu Cheng (顾城), in which it is said to the effect (大意是说) that just like grass producing seeds and wind shaking leaves, it is very nice for people to simply stand without saying anything. He believes that an anchor is in a similar situation, that is, the less talk, the better.【附:中文大意】汪涵养病兼顾学习面对外界盛传汪涵得肝炎的消息,汪涵澄清说自己得的只是肝病,医生关照,如果不注意调养则有可能恶化成“肝硬化”。因此汪涵很注意休息,目前几乎过着“日出而作,日落而息”的生活。另外,他还需要每周打三针、吃三十颗药来控制病情,因为如今他体内的“转氨酶”是一般人的10倍,而“白蛋白”却只有常人的一半。瘦掉大约12斤的汪涵透露,自己可能还会瘦,而由于药物的副作用,还可能出现脱发等现象,但他对此毫不介意,觉得应该坦诚地面对公众,自己不怕破坏形象。今年在主持节目时,汪涵曾在台上狂流鼻血。于是,他放了自己一个月的假,但由于他主持的《越策越开心》(或:一档脱口秀节目)急需救场,所以不得不提前“复出”。在休息的这段时间里,汪涵想了很多。虽然在娱乐圈受到很高的赞誉,但他认为,现在呈现给观众的仍不是自己想要的,他觉得自己正处在一个“有意思”的阶段,也可以说是瓶颈期,需要多点时间学习来寻求突破点。最近,汪涵在读“四书五经”,他说自己从中感悟到许多东西。他还告诉记者,自己很喜欢顾城诗中的句子:草在结它的种子/风在摇它的叶子/我们站着/不说话就十分美好。他认为主持也跟这首诗描绘的意境一样,讲得太多反而不是很好。


2016-06-04 17:25:18