




  A Song Appears in a Monthly Exam for High School StudentsRecently, a monthly exam organized by a high school in Wuhan City (武汉市) has attracted the attention of the media all over the country. In a Chinese exam paper, the students are required to complete a statement taken from a song named A Light Blue Porcelain(《青花瓷》), the title song of the latest album of Zhou Jielun(周杰伦) . It has become a sensation. Many people have expressed criticism over the absurdity of the responsible teacher, saying that such a question may mislead the students.In the part named Completion in the Chinese exam paper, there are ten optional incomplete statements, of which the students are required to complete eight. Among the ten statements, nine come from the famous ancient poems in the textbook, and one from the song mentioned above. The news spread rapidly on the Internet. Faced with such an unusual practice, some netizens(网民) suspect that the responsible teacher might be one of the fans of Zhou Jielun. Mr. Liu, who is responsible for making the paper, said angrily to reporters in an interview, “I’m not a fan of Zhou at all.” He added that he paid attention to the song just because of the elegant words. He did so out of good intention. He said, “Nowadays, children always like to listen to pop music. Through this song, I want to make them understand that there is an element of classical culture in pop music. We should study and use the Chinese language at the same time.”Mr. Liu said that he had considered the issue carefully, so he decided to make the question optional: “This question does not affect the students’ score at all, because they can decide whether to answer it.”After being told what had happened in an interview with reporters, TOTO, assistant of Zhou Jielun, said with a laugh, “Wow, Fang Wenshan(方文山) must be very pleased to hear that, because it is he who wrote the words of the song.” Nowadays, some educators believe that it is not wise to include pop songs in a school examination, which will misguide students. But TOTO thinks that it is worth studying the words of this song. He said, “This song is composed of beautiful words and a lot of figures of speech(修辞手法) . The teacher used it in the exam paper just because he thought that it was suitable for such a purpose.”


  周杰伦新歌竟成高中月考题武汉市一所中学举行的一次校内月考竟然惊动了全国媒体。原因就是,在月考语文试卷中有一道默写题,要求学生默写周杰伦的新专辑中《青花瓷》的歌词。此事掀起轩然大波。不少人质疑老师的荒谬行为,更指责出卷老师误导学生。这份考卷是这样的:在语文试卷中有一道默写题,其中给出了10个不完整的句子,要求学生任意选择8句默写完整。在这10个句子中,9句都是课文里出现过的古诗词名句,而有一句却出自周杰伦的《青花瓷》这首歌中的一句歌词。这则消息在网络疯传后,对出卷老师如此另类的行为,网友怀疑这个老师是不是周杰伦的‘粉丝’。出题的刘老师在接受记者采访时,十分气愤地说:“我才不是周杰伦粉丝呢!”刘老师说,他之所以注意到《青花瓷》这首歌,完全是因为歌词十分优雅,富有宋词的味道。而他出这道题的心理也是善意的:“那些孩子老是喜欢听流行歌曲。我就想通过这首歌,让他们明白,流行歌曲之中也有古典文化,语文应该活学活用。” 刘老师表示,自己在出卷之时也考虑了很多,于是将这道题划分为选答题,“如果答不出,可以不答,我觉得这并不影响他们的分数。” 有记者采访到了周杰伦的助理TOTO。听完记者的转述,TOTO哈哈大笑:“哇,方文山要乐坏了,这个歌词是他写的啊。”现在,一些教育学家认为,歌词以考题的形式出现在试卷中,太随意,容易对学生造成误导。而TOTO却觉得,《青花瓷》值得一学:“这首歌的歌词写得的确好,里面一些比喻的手法值得一学。出题目的人肯定也是觉得歌词很适合他的考卷才用的。”

2016-05-21 17:21:57