




  Chen Chusheng Regrets Giving Up StudyChen Chusheng (陈楚生) has become popular all over China overnight. Like Li Yuchun (李宇春), he is regarded as a super idol (偶像). As soon as the singing contest was over, he received many invitations to be the spokesman in advertising, which has greatly increased his social status. But few people know how hard a life he had led before becoming famous.At the age of 26, Mr. Chen has been singing in a bar for six years. He told reporters that, born in a poor family, he and his elder brother had to do a lot of jobs to make a living, such as repairing cars, delivering fast food, etc. He also tried to earn money for schooling during summer vacations. While doing these jobs, he suffered from different kinds of humiliation (羞辱). In a word, he has experienced the hardest life. But, what he regrets most is that he gave up his study in the third year in a high school in an attempt to make a living in Shenzhen. He said, “I also thought about continuing my study while working there. But, because of frequent change of jobs, I had no time to do so.”Although he has won a lot of fans with his moving songs, Mr. Chen has some small problems with his voicing method. Due to lack of professional training and hard work, he often suffers from hyperaemia (充血) in his throat. Not long ago, he even experienced aphonia (失声). So far, there is still something wrong with his throat. He will have to take medicine for a long time before he completely recovers from this illness.【附:中文大意】陈楚生最后悔高三就休学陈楚生一夜之间红遍了大江南北,但是又有多少人知道,成名前的陈楚生,有着多少和他面孔一般沧桑的故事。陈楚生被认为是继李宇春之后又一个“超级偶像”,比赛刚结束就有数十个广告代言找上门,身价千万直逼李宇春。26岁的陈楚生,却已经有6年酒吧驻唱的经历,过了许多艰苦的生活。他向记者透露,家境并不太好的他曾和哥哥一起做过修车的,也送过快餐,暑假时候自己打工赚学费,社会最底层的生活我都体会过。送盒饭曾被客人扔盒饭,唱歌也观众泼啤酒。不过,让陈楚生至今还后悔的是他高三就放弃了学习,独自去深圳闯荡,“我在深圳的时候也想过要学习深造,但工作一直不稳定,也没有时间考虑了。”虽然楚生现在的歌唱感动和吸引了无数粉丝,但也因为没有受过专业的训练,发声方法有些小问题,加上疲劳和长时间的用嗓,导致嗓子充血,前阵子还一度“失声”。目前他的喉咙还没完全恢复,要坚持配合医生用药才能慢慢恢复。


2016-06-06 11:39:45