




  Many Young Idols Play in A Handsome ManThe shooting of the TV play A Handsome Man(《那小子真帅》), which was adapted from a classic love story with the same name by Ke Aitao(可爱淘), has come to an end. Many super girls and super boys play a role in it, including Li Na(厉娜), Yang Lei(阳蕾), and Chen Xibei(陈西贝), who are now introducing the play to the public in Beijing.Though the play has the same name as the novel, the plot is quite different except that the major characters and their relationships are the same. The Chinese version adopts the typical style represented by Zhou Xingchi(周星驰), which combines various elements of martial arts, street dancing, joking, youth and love, together with humorous language. It is neither too serious like the traditional idol dramas on the mainland of China which place emphasis on themes, nor too impractical like those made in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, which are based on supernatural materials. One of the highlights(亮点)of the play is the debut(首次演出)of two super girls Li Na and Yang Lei. Besides the story and many stars, the romantic and beautiful music is another main attraction. All of the songs in the play are sung by super girls and boys. The theme song Flying with Me(《跟我飞翔》)is sung by Zhang Yafei(张亚飞), and the song at the end of the play Happiness Once Enjoyed(《幸福曾经来过》)by Su Xing, the second place winner in the Super Boy Contest. As to the interludes(插曲), four come from Li Na’s latest album with her own name as the title, such as Gray Happiness(《灰色幸福》), and Beautiful Love(《美丽爱情》)is sung by the most popular super boy Zhang Jie(张杰)and super girl Chen Xibei.【附:中文大意】众多青春偶像参与电视剧版《那小子真帅》改编自可爱淘风靡亚洲的经典爱情小说《那小子真帅》的同名电视剧日前杀青,该剧汇集了多位超女快男。日前,主演厉娜、阳蕾、陈西贝在京为该剧造势。 虽然和可爱淘原作同名,但除了主要人物及其关系与原著一致外,电视剧版《那小子真帅》在故事情节上完全另起炉灶。中国版《那小子真帅》融合了周星驰式无厘头的表现手法拍摄,既没有像内地传统偶像剧因过于注重主题而稍显沉重,也不一味模仿日韩、港台偶像剧超现实的题材以至于太过空洞,在轻松幽默的镜头语言下,集武侠、街舞、搞笑、青春、爱情等众多元素于一身。电视剧版《那小子真帅》的一大亮点是首次触电的两位超女厉娜和阳蕾。除了故事和偶像明星,浪漫动人的音乐也为该剧加分不少。此番,超女快男齐上阵,厉娜、张亚飞、陈西贝、安又琪、阳蕾、苏醒和张杰包揽了这部偶像剧中的主题曲和所有插曲。张亚飞演唱主题曲《跟着我飞翔》,片尾曲《幸福曾经来过》由快男亚军苏醒演绎,而《灰色幸福》等四首插曲全部来自厉娜的同名新专辑《厉娜》,人气快男张杰和超女陈西贝则带来另一首插曲《美丽爱情》。


2016-06-04 19:33:40