




  Sun Haiying Regrets his Failure to Pass the College Entrance ExamIn 1977, the college entrance exam was resumed in China, which is a lasting memory for a whole generation. In a film entitled College Entrance Exam in 1977, Sun Haiying(孙海英) plays the role of a manager of a factory, who has an unfavorable attitude towards such an exam. But in reality, Sun is always dreaming of going to college. He says, “I took the preparatory exams in 1977 and 1978, but, due to the fact that I didn’t have enough time to study, I failed in all the subjects, with 59 points for Chinese, 39 points for history, 19 points for politics and only 9 points for math.” Even though he didn’t have an opportunity to go to college, Sun regards college education as sacred: “A college is a place for laying down one’s foundation. Otherwise, one can’t get well prepared for one’s future life and work. But, unfortunately, nowadays, many college students do not value such an opportunity.” As to the phenomenon that many young people want to learn acting, Sun has no idea. He says, “Young people often consider it easy to be an actor. But actually, that is not the case.” Even though Sun believes that it is a very hard thing to be a successful actor, his son has still chosen acting as his major. What’s more, he once failed in the exam. Sun says, “He failed in the exam for the first time because he didn’t study hard enough. Then I talked with him for two hours. In the next year, he passed.”【附:中文大意】孙海英遗憾没考上大学1977年恢复高考,成为一代人心目中难以磨灭的记忆。在电影《高考·1977》中,孙海英饰演的是对高考有着抵触情绪的工厂厂长,但孙海英本人却是一直怀着大学梦。他回忆说:“1977、1978年我都参加了考前预备试,不过因为平时要工作,没有太多时间复习,成绩不怎么样。中文最高,59分,历史39分,政治19分,数学最低,只有9分,都没及格呢。”虽然没有机会上大学,孙海英对大学教育还是抱着一种神圣的态度,“大学是打基础的,否则在今后的工作生活中会准备不足。现在的大学生们都不是很珍惜了。”对于现在许多年轻人都挤破头要报考表演专业的现象,孙海英也显得很无奈,“他们觉得当演员很容易,其实哪有这么简单。”虽说孙海英觉得要做一个能熬出头的演员是个苦差使,但他儿子大学还是读了表演专业,并且还经历过了一次失败的高考。孙海英说:“他第一次没考上,因为不用心。我跟他谈了2个小时的心,第二年他就考上了。” 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

2016-06-03 08:43:32