




  2008高考英语单项填空模拟训练单项填空模拟训练第一组1. I was going to write, _______ I lost your address.A. butB. so C. becameD. if2. ─Paul bought a new car last week again.─Oh, He _______have earned a large sum of money.A. couldB. shouldC. might D. must3.Recently I bought a personal computer, _______ the price was very reasonable.A. on whichB. in whichC. of whichD. from which4. Once _______, this dictionary will be very popular!A. having printedB. printingC. to be printedD. printed 5. Turn off the switch _______anything goes wrong with the machine.A. whileB. whetherC. when D. Unless6. — John is very bright and studies hard as well. — No wonder he _______ gets the first place in any examination. A. seldomB. sometimesC. neverD. always 7. It is not surprise you are tired. _______, you were up until 11 o’clock last night.A. After allB. As a resultC. In other wordsD. As usual8. Once environmental damage , it takes many years for the system to recover.A. has doneB. to doC. doesD. is done9. My husband was _______ to see his vase broken.A. a little more thanangry B. more than a little angryC. angry more than a littleD. a little more angry than10. She had nearly got out of _______ bath and put on her clothes when _______ telephone rang.A. the; theB. the; aC. the; 不填D. a; 不填11. Five minutes earlier we could have avoided the accident.A. orB. but C. so D. and12. The day she was looking forward to _______ at last.A. comeB. comingC. cameD. had come13. whatever you say, I shall _______ my own opinion.A. carry outB. keep upC. insist onD. stick to 14.─ Will you go to see the film with me this weekend?─ It _______.A. all dependB. all dependsC. is all dependedD. is all depending15. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ in 2004 as the year before.A. as twice many machines B. twice many as machinesC. twice as many machines D. as many machines twice[1][2][3][4]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~【答案与解析】1. A。本题考查转折连词but连接的并列句。句意为“”我本来要写信的,可是把你的地址弄丢了。2. D。本题考查情态动词表示推测。could意为“可能”,should意为“应该”,might意为“可能”,但可能性较小,must意为“一定,准是”。根据上句“保罗上周又买了一辆新车”推断下句“他一定是挣了一笔巨款。”可知答案为D。3. C。本题考查“介词+关系代词which”引导的非限定性定语从句中介词的选用。of表示所属关系,意为“...的”。句意“我最近买了一台家用电脑,它的价格非常合理”。of whichthe price= the price of which= whose price.4. D。句子的主语this dictionary与所给动词print之间是被动关系,因此应用过去分词。to be done是不定式的被动语态,表将来,不符合语境。连词once意为“一旦;一…就…”,Once printed可看作是Once it is printed的省略。句意为“一旦出版,这本词典将会非常畅销!”5. C。根据句意“如果机器发生故障, 就把电门关上”,可知此题考查when引导的条件状语从句,意为“如果”。6. D。根据语境考查副词词义辨析。seldom意为“很少”,sometimes意为“有时”,never意为“从不”,always 意为“总是”。根据句意“约翰既聪明学习又刻苦”“难怪他总是考试得第一”可知答案为D。7. A。after all意为“别忘了”,as a result意为“所以”,in other words意为“换句话说”,as usual意为“照常”。根据句意“难怪你感到疲倦。别忘了,你昨夜11点才睡觉”可知答案为A。8. D。本题考查动词时态和语态。根据damage与动词do之间是被动关系便可知答案为D。9. B。more than little意为“非常,十分”,句意为“我丈夫看到花瓶碎了大为恼火”。10. A。第一空和第二空都表特指,因此都用定冠词the。句意为“她刚洗好澡穿上衣服,电话铃就响了”。11. D。此题考查的是“祈使句+and+简单句”结构。其中的祈使句相当于if引导的条件状语从句,后面的简单句表示结果。当条件与结果并存时,连词用and。句意为“早五分钟,我们可能就会避免那次事故”。12. C。此题受定势思维的影响很容易误选B。实际上此题考查的是句子的谓语动词,she was looking forward to是定语从句修饰主语the

2016-06-04 16:21:28