


  Christopher Walsh from Durham,England was given the"Brave Child of the Year"award for saving his family members from water earlier this November.

  Last night Christopher's mother sat and watched proudly as he and other nine kids were given awards by their favorite football stars to honor their brave behaviors in the past year.

  Christopher was in the car with his mother,father,sister Rosie,and brother Mac,when his father drove carelessly into a river.The family's ear fell down with its wheels up.Christopher,12years old,swam through a broken window and got out into the fresh air.Then he saw the rest of his family were still in the car-in the water.He took a deep breath(呼吸) and swam hack to save Mac first,and then Rosie.Christopher said:"I didn't think much and only knew I had to get them out.I was terrified,but it was all happening so fast,and I didn't really think about the danger."

  Christopher helped Mac out and then swam back to get non-swimmer Rosie,who was under the cold water in the car.Christopher had to feel for her seatbelt because he could not see anything.He took the seatbelt off her,and then went up for air.Finally he went back to pull her out of the car.

  His mother Beryl said:"When I got to the side of the river and looked back,I thought Christopher and Rosie had lost their lives.Then I saw him come up out of the water like a dolphin,and he had Rosie!"

  Christopher's father was badly hurt in the accident and was taken to a nearby hospital.

  48.Who did Christopher save in the accident?___

  A.Rosie and Mac.B.Mac and his father.

  C.Rosie and his mother.D.Mac,Rosie and his mother.

  49.What did the mother think had happened to her children when she got to the side of the river?___

  A.They had gone home.B.They Were badly hurt.

  C.They had died in the water.D.They had been saved from the water.

  50.How did Christopher's mother fee


  48.A推理判断题.从"Christopher helped Mac out and then swam back to get non-swimmer Rosie,who was under the cold water in the car.Christopher had to feel for her seatbelt because he could not see anything.He took the seatbelt off her,and then went up for air.Finally he went back to pull her out of the car."这些句子描写的是Christopher解救家人的过程与结果可以知道他救出了RosieandMac.故答案是A.

  49.C细节理解题.从"When I got to the side of the river and looked back,I thought Christopher and Rosie had lost their lives."中的"lost their lives"就是选项C中的"died"可知答案是C.

  50.B细节理解题.从"Last night Christopher's mother sat and watched proudly as he and other nine kids were given awards by their favorite football stars to honor their brave behaviors in the past year."这句中的"proudly"可知妈妈为Christopher的举动感到自豪.故答案选B.

  51.C主旨大意题.根据文章的第一句"Christopher Walsh from Durham,England was given the"Brave Child of the Year"award for saving his family members from water earlier this November并结合整篇文章的故事可知此句即为文章的主题句.所以答案选C.

2020-12-19 02:24:51