


  Human growth is a process of success and failure,one filled with ups and downs and one full of laughter and tears.it is also a (41)___ 0fexperiments and trials Each time you're (42)___ and choose to believe in your inner (43)___,you'll take courage to take action,but you can never (44)___ how things will turn out.Sometimes you are successful,while sometimes you ma become a (45)___.Each mistake we make can not only lead to pain and sorrow,but also can bring us growth and (46)___.

  Every one of us tends t0 (47)___ success.The failed experiments,(48)___,are still as valuable as the experiments that eventually prove successful.In fact,you (49)___ learn more from your"failure"if you have a proper attitude

  But (50)___ if you only think about your mistakes and live with (51)___ and blame,it is not possible to learn anything (52)___.Therefore,forgiveness is required when you heavily (53)___ yourself

  Forgiveness is the act of (54)___ an emotional debt.This does not mean you're in a situation (55)___ you don't feel pain or regret.But being (56)___ to these feelings for a long period of time is not healthy.At some time of our life,you may have been severely (57)___ 0r hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems (58)___.Under such a circumstance,you should force yourself to think in a positive way.By doing so,you will be able to change the focus away from the (59)___.

  It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoings and clean the unhappy memories When you really learn to forgive,you may come to understand failure is also a necessary par of your (60)___.

  41.A.process B.program C.routine D.regulation

  42.A.discouraged B.amazed C.determined D.frustrated

  43.A.emotion B.spirit C.power D.strength

  44.A.recognize B.tell C.announce


  41-45ACDBC 46-50BDABC 51-55ACDBA 56-60DADBC

  41.A.考察名词辨析.A process过程;B program 程序;C routine 常规、例行程序;D regulation规章制度.根据前文中Human growth is a process of success and failure,人口增长是既成功又失败的一个进程.该空前面有also,提示出接下来说的也是一个过程,故选A.

  42.C.考察形容词辨析.A discouraged沮丧的; B amazed 惊奇的;C determined 下定决心的;D frustrated受挫的.这里是指每一次你下定决心选择相信你的内心力量.故选C.

  43.D.考察名词辨析.A emotion情感; B spirit精神;C power动力;D strength力量、优点.这里是指人内部的力量.故选D.

  44.B.考察动词辨析.A recognize认出;B tell分辨;C announce宣布;D convince使信服.这里是指你永远也不知道事情将会怎么变化.这里的tell是分辨的意思;故选B.

  45.C.考察名词辨析.A opponent 反对者;B competitor竞争者;C failure 失败;D winner赢家.根据该小句中的while可以知道这是一个对比的句子,前面说又时你是成功的,有时候你可能是一个失败者,故选C.

  46.B.考察名词辨析.A reputation名声;B wisdom 智慧;C sympathy 同情心;D honor荣耀.每一次错误不只会让我们走向痛苦和悲伤,也能带给我们成长和智慧,故选B.

  47.D.考察动词辨析.A conserve 保护、保存;B obtain获得;C request要求;D treasure把…视为珍宝.我们每个人都重视成功.故选D.

  48.A.考察副词辨析.A however然而;B thus因此;C so于是;D yet但是、还.失败的实验,然而,和那些最终证明成功的实验一样有价值.根据句意这里表示转折,故选A.

  49.B.考察副词辨析.A occasionally偶尔地;B usually通常;C seldom很少;D rarely很少的.事实上,如果你有一个适当的态度,你可以从你的失败中学到更多;故选B.

  50.C.考察短语辨析.A in other words换句话说;B in a similar way在一种相似的方式上; C on the other hand另一方面;D by all means一定.结合两段之间的关系来看,前一段主要说如果你有一个好的态度,你会从错误中学习到更多东西.这一段说如果只想着错误,不可能学到更多东西.故选C.

  51.A.考察名词辨析.A guilt 罪过;B pride骄傲;C punishment惩罚;D loss损失.这里是说如果你只想着自己的错误,内疚地活着,你就不可能学到有意义的东西.故选A.

  52.C.考察形容词辨析.A efficient有效的;B permanent固定的、永恒的;C meaningful有意义的;D potential有潜力的.这里是说如果你只想着自己的错误,内疚地活着,你就不可能学到有意义的东西.故选C.

  53.D.考察动词辨析.A disturb 干扰;B command 命令;C interrupt打扰;D criticize批评.这句话意思为:因此,当你过分批评自己的时候需要原谅;故选D.

  54.B.考察动名词辨析.A requiring 需要;B removing开除、脱去;C considering考虑;D discovering发现.原谅是一种除去感情债的行为.故选B.

  55.A.考察定语从句引导词.A where哪里;B that那个;C what什么;D which哪一个.因为先行词是situation,所以应该用表示地点的关系副词,故选A.

  56.D.考察形容词辨析.A related相关的;B contradictory矛盾的;C opposite相反的;D addicted上瘾的.但是长时间对这种感觉上瘾是不健康的,故选D.

  57.A.考察动词辨析.A wronged无礼的对待; B scolded责备;C beaten打败;D punished惩罚.该句意思为:有时候我们的生活中,你可能会遇到被人非常无礼的对待和伤害.故选A.

  58.D.考察形容词辨析.A.informal非正式的;B practical实践的;C vital重要的;D impossible不可能的.有时候我们能可能会遇到别人非常无理的伤害和对待,似乎原谅有点不可能.故选D.

  59.B.考察名词辨析.A loneliness孤独;B anger生气;C coldness冷漠;D curiosity好奇心.前文提到我们可能受到无理的伤害,这个时候原谅对方似乎不大可能,这个时候强迫自己以积极地方式思考,这样就能使得自己的焦点远离努力怒火;故选B.


2020-08-08 08:01:55