


  Delia was a young pianist.Her husband,Joe,was a young artist.

  Each of them was taking lessons:Joe with a famous art teacher,and Delia with a great pianist from Germany.Their teachers were the very best,so lessons were expensive,more than they could really afford,but…when you love your art,nothing is too much.

  But soon the money began to run out,and they couldn't afford the lessons any more.

  Then one day Delia came back home and told Joe that she had met a man whose daughter,Sally,wanted to learn the piano,and he was going to pay her 50anhour."Delia,"Joesaid,"I'llbemuchhappierifyoukeepupyourlessons,"Deliasaiditdidn'tmatter."WhenI'vehadsomemoney,I'llcontinue."ButJoealsodecidedtostophislessons,todrawpicturesandsellthem.Afewdayslater,Joecamehomeandproudlytook 200from his pocket."I met a man from Vermont,"he said,"who bought one of my pictures.And he wants to buy more!"_____.They didn't have to worry any more about money.

  Then,one day,Joe came home and saw that Delia's hand was wrapped in a bandage(绷带).He asked her what had happened."Oh,"said Delia."My student,Sally,asked me to make some coffee for her.I dropped the coffee and burned my hand.Sally went straight to the drugstore and got this bandage for me."

  "Delia,what have you been doing the last two weeks?"Joe asked.She tried not to tell him,but the tears came."Oh Joe,I couldn't get any students,so I worked as a waitress in a restaurant.Today,I burned my hand with hot water.So I can't work any more.But we'll still have money from the man in Vermont,won't we?"

  Joe looked at her."There's no man in Vermont,"he said."I've been working in a drugstore,and today someone came in to buy bandages for a woman who's burned her hand.So when I saw you,well,I guessed."

  They both laughed.

  [A story by O.Henry-adapted(改编)]

  42.The writer of the



  43.答案:C.细节理解题.根据空格后面的"Theydidn'thavetoworryanymoreaboutmoney."他们不用担心钱的问题了,所以他们很高兴.故选C44.答案:B.细节理解题.根据"Oh Joe,I couldn't get any students,so I worked as a waitress in a restaurant.Today,I burned my hand with hot water.So I can't work any more.But we'll still have money from the man in Vermont,won't we?"以及乔说的话"There's no man in Vermont,"he said."I've been working in a drugstore,and today someone came in to buy bandages for a woman who's burned her hand.So when I saw you,well,I guessed."他们都是为了能让对方继续学习自己喜欢的专业,编造了善意的谎言,可知他们就是为了让对方幸福而撒了谎,故选B.


2020-08-06 08:35:17